Thursday, June 28, 2012

Winterlime knits again.

Or rather, winterlime blogs about her knitting again.

I used to have a cute little blog at this URL... oh, say, a year and a half ago. I made a few posts, got excited, started giving out the link... then fell behind on posting. After being forced to begin a few posts in a row with "Sorry for the late post", I decided to scrap the idea.

So what's bringing me back here? Well...

It's all the Ravelympic Ravathon Ravelrumpus Ravellenic Games controversy. I'm going to go ahead and assume that if you're reading this, you already know what I'm talking about. If not, just go to Twitter and search for the #ravelympics hashtag. And then sit back and be astounded by the explosion that you witness. I know it took me by surprise, when I first stumbled across it.

So then I started reading about it, and I started getting caught up, and I started feeling pretty outraged. It's probably a good thing I'm not exactly up on current knitting news, because if the situation hadn't already been pretty thoroughly defused by the time I learned about it, I might have done something rather unwise.

As a consequence of this, I signed up for the Ravellenic Games.

I'm on Team Emergency Chicken, as I'm pretty much an exclusive Remrants lurker. I even managed to whip up a new ravatar that, I thought, captured the essence of the situation rather well:

I actually read the rules for the first time after I signed up buoyed on that tide of optimism and enthusiasm. This meant pretty much everyone else has been meticulously planning their projects - or maybe just plowing through their queue and stash in dizzy glee, I don't know - for months in advance. So I've been trying to make up for lost time: plotting and planning furiously over the past two days, pulling out stash yarn, looking up more yarn online, giving my queue and favorites a second and third going-over. Set my own challenge, is what I'm supposed to do for these events. Well, that's not actually too hard. I'm not experienced enough as a knitter to be lacking in challenges, just yet. Let's see, I've never knit socks before, or any shawl bigger than my tiny first effort, or done colorwork, or (shudder!) swatched properly...

But those are all things that I can do once and say I've done them, I've learned them, I know them now. This blog is going to be my biggest challenge. It's ongoing, it's persistent, it's never finished and done with. I can't promise absolutely regular updates, but I will be responsible for it, during the Ravellenic Games and (hopefully!) afterwards.

(Now to fiddle with the settings until everything looks Just Perfect. The more time I put into this now, the more reluctant I'll be to drop the whole scheme later on when we're halfway into the Games and things have gotten seriously messy.)

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