Monday, September 1, 2014

Knitting Confessions #3.

Like most things in the world, knitting has a set of rules and conventions. Sometimes, we knitters break them. This is my knitting confession.

Confession #3: You know that yarn diet I was talking about yesterday? Cold sheeping and everything?

Needles don't count.

Stitch markers might count... but not when they're gifts, taken straight from my Etsy wishlist. These lovely shell stitch markers are from Lavender Hill Knits.

Amy was knitting a cowl for her mother, but wasn't sure about her yarn choice - white mohair held together with pink bamboo. I helped her frog what she'd knit so far. Then I remembered I had a skein of Lana Grossa Lace Lux, which was soft and luxurious and very close to the color she was going for. So I offered it to her, and in return she gave me the white mohair (which I'm fairly sure is Rowan Kidsilk Haze). So... trades don't count. (By the way, have you ever tried to wind mohair into a cake? Don't do it. There's fuzz everywhere.)

Amy and her husband Jordy also gave me a gift certificate to a local yarn store for my birthday. Whatever I buy with that won't count. And, as Ivy of Pumpkin Spins pointed out, if Bandit or anyone else gives me yarn, that definitely won't count.

This is not a hint. Not at all.

Knitting Confessions

Join this week's link-up here.


  1. Of course needles, stitch markers and traded yarn doesn't count. Ia m on a yarn diet myself, but had to buy cotton yarn for dishcloth's, there was simply none in my stash.

  2. I completely agree with you on all counts. All of them. You are now free of any guilt! Happy knitting.

  3. That is the only downside to Mohair! I think it always looks best in white, so fluffy! You are definitely guilt free, and I'm so glad you can expect holiday gifts!

  4. Hey, you won't get any arguments from me. :) Have fun!

  5. Also: souvenir yarn (bought on vacation) doesn't count! (According to me, anyway.)
